December 28, 2009


Wow, nda ku sangka, rupanya I haf not updated this thing for one whole year!!! thanx my dearest KD for updating this blog this year, at least ada jua tampat besharing resepi, usulnya macam nda pedah pulang, but heyyy, sajaaa buang masa and share our fave dish to the rest of the world, that is if durang faham bahasa ketani kekekekeke. Anyway, the spirit of going to the kitchen masih lagi ada, fading pulang sudah (jagaaa!!! nda tia berasap dapur lagi nehhh!), thanx to Naeebul for kept askin about Shepherd's Pie or last lastnya ended up being called Sherphy, at least with that my mood kan memasak datang secara tiba2 aisehhh ... soo that was on Saturday ... Yesterday, I've decided kan buat kek bahulu mekar, this is my sis in law's all-time favorite easy quick an hour recipe. Her kids lurveee ittt ... I hope you guys do too ... Here goes!!!

3 biji telur
250 gm gula biasa
3 sudu susu manis
5 oz susu ideal
280 gm tepung biasa
1 sudu ovalette
1 sudu esen vanila

Cara Membuatnya:
Telur dan gula dimesin sehingga kembang. Campurkan bahan-bahan yang lain. Sesudah sebati barulah dikukus.
Simple kan? Now you have two ways to do this bila sudah sebati.
1. Menggunakan takir, this is easier, tau dituang saja (the normal way aa, pakai kertas minyak and tutup takir dengan aluminium takut dimasukki air).
2. Menggunakan acuan apam (mine's got 9 'spacings') or acuan muffin (mine's got 4 'spacings'). Kalau kamu bagi berwarna (mana saja kamu, in my case, i've used green, pink and the normal colour), this is more time consuming. I have used setengah sudu teh for each colour untuk dimasukkan into each spacing for acuan apam and 2 sudu makan for each colour untuk dimasukkan into each spacing for each acuan muffin.

Result nya? ntah aaa, warna warni hahahha ... ENJOYYY!!! O yea tried to upload the pix, but to no avail ... bahhh, MANA SAJATAHHH!!! MENTAL DAH KU ne mengupload gambar aaa ... dari dari taun lapas, nda pandai sakses!!! canakan c KD buat tuuu eeeeeeeeeeehhh gerammm nehhhh


Anonymous said...

ra!!! i didnt know u have a food blog!!ehheheehhe i want flakey recipe

Anonymous said...

its dewi btw!! ehehhehe

SweetLBCT said...

hahaha ... how come you dunno mehh? ada juaaa ku gitau dulu, tsk tsk, d teacher is not payin attention naaa ... hahaha .. and yes, i know it's you even if you don't write down your name hahaha ... flakeyyy? ait ait, comin soon, gonna try another new cheesyyy recipe this thurs sooo ... just hold on to yer seat aittt

Anonymous said...

hahaha i dont remember u telling me u have a food blog! eheh u should post pics jua..esp time ur baking...baru tia lawa..i knew of this blog kos u mention it rah fb..huhuhu